Misinformation and misconception about hearing loss is very common. After reading this, you will be able to separate myths from reality.
As a new hearing aid wearer or someone considering trying hearing aids, there are basic criteria to consider and understand about how hearing aids work. What we expect of them and hear about them is sometimes different than reality.
You have to know one thing: hearing aid machines don’t restore your hearing the way you used to before. They don’t make it perfect; they rather help to maximize it. They also take time to help you adjust to your new condition. You will not be comfortable from the first time and you will not get results on the spot. Contrary to widespread belief, you don’t just put them in your ears and magically hear everything so clearly and loudly. You have to be patient and easy-going with your hearing aids and with yourself.
When you notice you need hearing aids machines; you can’t just pop any one and expect positive outcomes. You need to work with professional and qualified audiologists from the beginning, that is from the initial hearing test all the way to selecting the model or machine that best suits your needs.
In selecting a hearing aid, there are several options to consider. Most hearing aids are programmable to match the specifications of your condition. Don’t listen to other people’s experiences and base your choice on that. This is very important because you can’t just buy any machine out of the box. It will not work the way you want it to and most notably, it will not benefit you.
Here’s a snapshot of some of the expectations new users have and what the reality really is.
1. Your hearing loss cannot be helped.
Sometimes you choose the wrong hearing aid. When you research online about hearing loss and the best quality hearing aids, you are sometimes being misled. You are not responsible for deciding which is best for you and your situation. Your audiologist should follow up with you and together, you can select which is the right one for you.
Sometimes you hear that they may not work for everyone. Unfortunately, that is true. When the hearing loss is too severe and profound, hearing aids can distort sounds instead of making them clearer. When this happens, a cochlear implant may be more valuable.
2. Hiding hearing loss is much better than wearing hearing aids.
You have to bear in mind that untreated hearing loss is more obvious and observable than a hearing aid. It will make your daily life a struggle. Without quality hearing aids, you might respond incorrectly or seem to be not paying attention to the one talking to you. It is easy to dodge this kind of communication: if you need hearing aids, you need to wear them.
3. Hearing aids make me feel “older” and “disabled”.
Our society worships perfectionism, so it’s very normal to see people embarrassed and hesitant to admit hearing loss or get hearing aids, for fear of appearing or looking old.
What people don’t know is that there are many sizes and styles of hearing aids, from models that you put inside the ear to others that fit within the ear canal. They are a lot smaller than before, neater and cosmetically pleasing. They can be invisible and not noticeable to the eye.
4. Hearing aids will make all sounds appear too loud.
In the past, hearing aids machines were designed to manually turn the volume up in order to hear sounds. However, with today’s modern and up-to-date digital hearing aid technology, speech understanding has been improved, background noises have been filtered out and speech clarity has been achieved. With all these enhancements, you can enjoy natural sounds without being bothered at all.
5. Hearing aids are too expensive.
There are different levels of hearing aid technology and accordingly, there are different prices. High quality hearing aids are available in affordable prices, if you know where to look. You may not need the most powerful and expensive technological hearing aids available. Sometimes a well-fitted basic hearing aid will provide you with all the benefits you are looking for, without paying a lot.
When going to your first appointment in the audiology center, make a list of questions to be prepared. Start by asking to what extent you suffer from hearing loss, if you need quality hearing aids immediately, if you need them for both ears, which ones suit your needs and what their cost is. If the results show a hearing loss situation, then you have to choose the right hearing aids with the help of your audiologist.